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1. What, Why, Who of ACA?
2. April 6, 2016 What did we expect, and what did we get from ACA?
3. 2014 AIAN QHP Estimates
4. WA Tribes and Affordable Care Act.
5. 2010 CMS ACA Report
6. 2015 ACS ACA Report
7. Delivery System Reform
8. ACS Data on Insurance Coverage
Paying for value: the Health Care issue for the year 2020
It is one thing to say we should only pay for things when value exceeds cost, but what is it that stops this from happening?
15. 1997 Memo re MOA implementation
16. 100% FMAP Oregon implementation
The most obvious answer is when the cost is not borne by the person receiving something he or she values
9. Alaska ACA Interagency Task Force Report
17. January 2017 Arizona Forum 100% FMAP.
The second, and more vexing issue is the difficulty in measuring value (and less so, the difficulty in measuring cost).
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