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What is the rational model?
1. Define Problem
2. Develop alternative solutions
3. Choose option based on feasibility of success (political/practical/pragmatic).
  1. Values Matter in Analysis

  2. Best Example for AIANs and Tribes is the Merriam Report

  3. 1948 Commission first to note the failures of Good Intentions when values are so profoundly ignored

  4. US Civil Rights Commission reports used Indian testimony to elicit values as well as facts

  5. Lesson is analysis is not value free or value neutral.

  6. Indian voices, now accepted as the best way to ensure values are part of analyses.

Merriam Report

Hoover Commission(1948) 1949 Report

What is the real world model?
1. Lack of consensus
2. On either or all:  Problem, solutions, tactics or strategies for success
3. Even time horizons lack consensus; go  slow or fast.
  1. Consensus on goal(s)?

  2. Collect data to turn into relevant information

  3. Prepare the plan

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